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Ceiling Draping - 32 panels of white 40ft satin draping
32 x 40ft white satin ceiling draping that has been up in an event barn. It is in good condition but does need a clean.
Brought brand new for £1760+VAT

£600 VAT Free ono each

| Quantity: 32
Light grey.
2 pieces - 3m wide x 4m drop each with theatre ties at top for hanging.
Similar to Sharkstooth Gauze, but the hexagonal holes are filled in.
This means it’s great for gently softening the light, making it a popular choice for lightening designers.

£500 VAT Free ono

| Quantity: 2
Upgrade necessities sale of our 10m x 30m Star Cloth Roof
In heavy beige fabric
Made by Custom Covers
Led in excellent working condition with controllers

£6000 inc. VAT

£200 VAT Free ono

| Quantity: 5
X2 tri starcloth controllers. Both in working order, and both come with power cables.

£80 inc. VAT

| Quantity: 2
Black Star Light Curtain 3x 6m x 4.5m - 4x 5m x 2m - 2x 4m x 4m - 5x 3m x 2m
2x Controllers, leads, spare bulbs, splinters
bulbs, confetti bombs
+ much more

£3250 £2925 VAT Free ono

£125 +VAT each

| Quantity: 8

£400 £300 +VAT each

| Quantity: 5

£100 VAT Free ono each

| Quantity: 12

£200 VAT Free ono

| Quantity: 5

£150 +VAT each

| Quantity: 12
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