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Hobart Catering Equipment
Founded in 1883 in Middletown Ohio.
Patent for the first dishwasher 1886!
MODELS: 00-740892 A20D4822844843-1A200A200NAMXR-16AUPS-10BCB1500C-PLUSCF2117ChefmateCNA/CNRCSDUCCSMHCSMH 20CSMH-101G-KK-LCSMH-61E07040E158ECO+G503S-10AEcomax plus F515SW-10CEF47F504-20BFX800FXLSW-10BFXS400-70NG350-N-10GX SeriesH600HCSCME10HCSCYE6HEF77HEPLG78AHGBRI77HGF4778HSM10HSM40NCM40Rc075RTCU700289
If you are in the industry where lots of glassware needs to be cleaned; I am sure you may have heard of Hobart. This powerful unit has the capacity of cleaning up to 960 glasses per hour, or up to 48 racks per hour. It features an integrated Reverse Osmosis system removes impurities from water; setting this above other machines in the market. Senso active resource management is a feature that responsibly manages your water consumption! Stainless steel build makes for easy cleaning.

£895 +VAT

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