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Sell your sound and lighting equipment
Standard bayonet fitting soft white light bulbs.

£20 +VAT

| Quantity: 50
Conventional candle bulbs, bayonet fitting.

£30 +VAT

| Quantity: 50
Golf ball LED bayonet light bulbs soft white.

£150 +VAT

| Quantity: 180
50 red
50 green
50 blue
70 amber
All bayonet fitting, to be sold as a job lot

£130 +VAT

| Quantity: 220
470 metres in total, 7 x 50m, 6 x 20m.
Bayonet fitting every metre

£3 Per Metre

The business supplies both Traditional Marquees made by Weatherill Bros. and Framed Tents by Tentnology
Mostly suppling weddings and parties as well as festivals
Turnover 400k with profits of £120k
13x Traditional Marquees and 36x Chinese hats


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