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Sell your sound and lighting equipment
2 Shure UR4D+ Dual Receiver - K4E
4 Shure UR2 Handheld Transmitter
4 Shure UR1 Beltpack Transmitter
2 Shure UA874 WB Directional Antenna
4 Shure Beta 58 Rf Capsule

£5500 +VAT

Not only does the MAC Aura XB offer additional brightness, it also features a new superior color mixing system and an optimized lens design for tighter beams and more even washes. Martin's unique and patented Eye-candy Aura Effect™

£15000 £13000 +VAT

| Quantity: 12
These units combines hard-edge, mid-air effects and a beautiful wash field in one luminaire. Featuring a great selection of all-new gobo designs, hard-edge effects remain stunning across the fixture’s entire 11 - 58° zoom range. Capable of snapping or fading into a wash light at any point, a unique and highly efficient optical system

£18000 £16000 +VAT

| Quantity: 12
Aluminum coupling bar designed to mechanically connect adjacent ARCS enclosures when arraying.
The male connecting bar slides into the two female rails on adjacent ARCS to provide a tight
mechanical connection between the enclosures. Two ARCOUPL are required for connecting two
enclosures (one top, one bottom). ARCOUPL bars, once installed, are locked in place using two
shackles on each end in order to prevent front to rear displacement.

£100 £50 +VAT

| Quantity: 5
Aluminum coupling bar designed to mechanically connect adjacent ARCS enclosures when arraying.
The male connecting bar slides into the two female rails on adjacent ARCS to provide a tight
mechanical connection between the enclosures. Two ARCOUPL are required for connecting two
enclosures (one top, one bottom). ARCOUPL bars, once installed, are locked in place using two
shackles on each end in order to prevent front to rear displacement.

£100 £80 +VAT

| Quantity: 4

£800 £600 +VAT

| Quantity: 8
Rigging accessory for rear attachment of 2 motors to K1-BUMP

£1000 £500 +VAT

| Quantity: 4
12x SSE MB4 Stage Monitors, 15″
8x Camco Vortex amplifiers
Complete with MB4 PIP Card

£12000 £11000 +VAT each

| Quantity: 12
2x Nexo Alpha E-M
4x Nexo Alpha E B1-18
1x Nexo NX241 Controller
3x Camco Vortex 4

£8000 £7000 +VAT

1 Avid venue profile package
1 Avid venue surface
Flightcase, Monitor, Keyboard, Trackball, FOH rack, Stage rack 48in / 24out, 3x Venue DSP mix engine
FOH IOX and ECX card, 2 FOH snake card

£9500 £8500 +VAT

4 Sennheiser SR2050 GW-X
12 Sennheiser EK2000 GW-X
1 Sennhesier AC3000

£9000 £8000 +VAT

Avid Venue Profile Package
Avid Venue Surface
Monitor, Keyboard, trackball, FHO Rack, Snake card, Analogue Output Card

£9500 £8500 +VAT

1 x Crown I-Tech 5000 HD
12 Available.

£1000 +VAT each

| Quantity: 12
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