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Sell your sound and lighting equipment
40mm x 30mm box section to the sides to fit standard roder H posts and u channel

£3500 +VAT

| Quantity: 5
8x 20m x 5m clear roof sheets, with white pvc valence and keder suitable for structures with an 18-degree pitch, profile 220mm x 100mm.
Used once will be cleaned and dried before collection.

£10000 +VAT

| Quantity: 8
15m x 25m White Tentickle stretch tent
Inclusive of poles, roles, caps and wooden poles.

£10000 +VAT

2x end sections and 1x mid-section complete with 21ft centre poles, centre ridge pole, wall poles, guy ropes, side lines, wall pegs, 50/50 wall combination also included (clear and white canvas opaque).
White Polycotton Canvas made by Barkers Marquees featuring castellated vallance.

£1500 +VAT

Modular in design so can be 9m round, 9m x 15m or 9m x 21m.
Marquee complete with king poles, side poles, all rope and tackle, and combination of white and clear walls.

£12000 +VAT

Modular in design so can be a 9m round, 9m x 16m, 9m x 23m or 9m x 30m.
Marquee complete with king poles, side poles, all rope and tackle, and combination of white and clear walls.

£9000 +VAT

£30 +VAT each

| Quantity: 47
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