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Sell your sound and lighting equipment
This show ‘searchlight’ is custom made in aluminium so is relatively lightweight. - easy 2 man lift.
The searchlight has 3 bars of 6 par36 ‘blinders’, barn doors and gel on a mesh frame.
It has an adjustable flying frame and comes on its own travel cart.
In good working order, just needs a bit of tlc with a paintbrush and some WD40 for the flying frame.

£360 £220 VAT Free ono each

| Quantity: 2
Power distribution system.
Provides easy method of connecting to a Generator or fixed power sauce then distributing it around the stage or event.
Comes on a fork lift-able trolley on wheels with waterproof covers.
Has Hubbel connectors easily converted to Ceeform.

£750 £350 VAT Free

£500 VAT Free each

| Quantity: 5

£125 VAT Free each

| Quantity: 4
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